The first thing we must establish is what a Demon actually is.
In most circles, the term conjures up images of hellish creatures doing satanic deeds- except in the world of robotics. Simply put, the word, “Demon” (it is considered more accurate to capitalize it) is modern slang for any visible collection of nanobots that function as a single, self-aware entity.
To the casual observer, such a being would seem a monochromatic lump of goo, though one with definite intelligence and purpose. Composed of moving, vastly minute robots, a Demon has the ability to rapidly change its form to whatever it desires.
The concept of a nanite fleet, known until recently as a “nanomorph,” is not unheard of in old science fiction. The term, “grey goo” has been tossed around as a name for particularly cruel and invasive nanomorphs, and the T-1000 from the Terminator movie series can be considered another ancient example.
It took many years for reality to catch up with these concepts, but in the early 20XX period, there was success at last. Roboticists had produced a functioning nanomorph.