Who am I?
Well, that's the real question around here, isn't it?
Physically, I am fairly typical example of the white male human being, with perhaps a slight hint of nerd. As could be told from my sprite, my hair is brown, and can be found in various shades of shaggy. I may or may not be sporting a similarly shaggy beard. I wear glasses, except when I don't, and have found that black zip-up hoodies add a modest degree of coolness to my "look." I generally do not glow blue, except in the privacy of my own home.
Non-physically, I am a philosophical, pragmatic, optimistic, intellectual, liberal, pantheistic book devourer. I have watched in fascination every ideological controversy I have ever come across online, and have eagerly taken notes. At some point I plan to challenge the entire Internet to a lightsaber-based cage match, or at the very least beat John Solomon in a game of Bocce-ball.
To anyone who might desire insight into what goes on inside my brain, I suggest a close look at Madeline L'Engle, an infusion of Joseph Campbell, a dash of every book on science a young mind is capable of reading, a pragmatic sprinkling of Neale Donald Walsh, and a heaping spoonful of all the best games Nintendo ever made from the 64 era onward.
If you'd like to drop me a line, you can mail here, but be warned I'm an infrequent checker. I'm much more likely to respond if you post at the Serebii.net Forums thread.